November 29, 2024
Travelling This Holiday Season? You’re Covered!
Pension & Benefits
Whether you’re going to another province or another country, your STF Members’ Health Plan includes coverage for you and your family for medical emergencies. Your GSC card includes a travel assistance number to make accessing your health insurance easy, as does the GreenShield+ app. Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Building Exercise Into a Busy Schedule
Pension & Benefits
For most of us, there never seems to be enough time in the day, especially when it comes to exercise. Life is unpredictable, with work, children’s schedules, appointments, social events, sickness, tiredness or plain lack of motivation filling up all our time. If you take a deeper look at your daily schedule, however, you can find some time to exercise.
Diet and Exercise as Stress Reducers
Pension & Benefits
Stress can take a tremendous physical toll on the body. It causes fatigue, tension, nervousness and loss of appetite. But you can control the effects of stress on your body through simple changes in your diet, exercise regimen and general outlook on your daily activities.
Retiring? When Do Health Benefits End?
Pension & Benefits
If you are resigning due to retirement, it’s important to know that you’re not eligible for Members’ Health Plan (MHP) benefits starting on the date that retirement benefits first become payable (your “retirement date”) under the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan or the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Plan.
November 25, 2024
Saskatchewan Teachers Pleased Throne Speech Lists Education as a Priority
News Release
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is encouraged that government highlighted addressing the challenges in public education in today’s Speech from the Throne. With government touting growth in Saskatchewan’s economy, it is promising to see they are also finally recognizing the challenges in classrooms and have considered first steps to improve students’ and teachers’ experience in public schools.
October 29, 2024
Saskatchewan Teachers Ready to Work With Newly Elected Government
News Release
Today, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is congratulating new and re-elected members of the legislative assembly on their successful campaigns, while encouraging them to keep public education among their top priorities over the coming weeks, months and years. While no new election promises for education were made within the Saskatchewan Party platform, the STF is committed to working collaboratively to address the ongoing issues in schools.
October 22, 2024
Statement from Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association and STF
The Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association and the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation value inclusion, equity and diversity. As teachers, we believe in providing a safe space for all children and staff within our schools; however, the actions and words of others have damaged that safe space. The intolerance displayed in recent days demonstrates a lack of understanding and an unwillingness to listen and learn. The experiences of vulnerable groups are real, and are not to be dismissed. The lives of children should not be used as political fodder purposefully designed to divide communities.
October 4, 2024
Parties Share Promises, Plans for Fixing Saskatchewan’s Public Education Crisis
News Release
Saskatchewan’s political parties shared their plans to address the crisis in publicly funded education during a Vote for Public Education Election Forum hosted by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Thursday evening.
October 1, 2024
Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Earns Prestigious Recognition in the 2024 BPM Top Employers
News Release
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is delighted to announce its inclusion in the prestigious 2024 BPM Top Employers, a comprehensive roundup that highlights the best in the industry.
As an impartial authority in the wealth sector, Benefits and Pensions Monitor conducted an exhaustive research study to identify and showcase the industry's top performers. In this thorough assessment, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has emerged as one of the distinguished contributors to the industry.
September 24, 2024
Violence and Harassment Ever Present for Saskatchewan Education Workers
News Release
A new study by University of Ottawa researchers is bolstering calls by the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation to address disturbingly high rates of workplace violence and harassment in Saskatchewan schools.