2023 Asking Package Highlights


Provincial Collective Bargaining 2023

Teacher Salaries


An annual pay increase of two percent plus the Consumer Price Index average annual rate for Saskatchewan, for each of the next four years.

Why it matters:

  • You provide a critical service in the community.
  • The cost of living has increased drastically and your salary isn’t keeping up.
  • Your workload has become more demanding and complex with increased student needs.
  • Compensation is a significant factor in recruitment and retention.
  • Your money goes back into the Saskatchewan economy.

Classroom Size and Complexity


An evidence-based plan of action that responds to the key factors contributing to increased class complexity: more students, more complex needs and fewer resources to support learning. Strategies to address large class sizes, which magnify class complexity.

Why it matters:

  • Increasing class complexity is a symptom of underfunding, compounded over many years. It is only getting worse.
  • The number of teachers and supporting professionals are not keeping pace with the increase in student enrolment, complexity of needs and growing demand for specialized support.
  • Student learning is impacted by class complexity; students’ learning conditions are your work conditions.

Professional Autonomy


A definition and acknowledgment of professional autonomy that supports the unique work you do.

Why it matters:

  • As a teacher in Saskatchewan, you are a highly educated professional who continuously develops your professional abilities, refines your teaching strategies and uses researched practice.
  • Society entrusts you to use your professional judgment in the best interests of teaching and learning beyond the duties articulated in The Education Act, 1995.
  • As a professional, you know your students and classroom best.

Violence-Free Classrooms


Measures to reduce and eliminate violence in classrooms and schools, including the creation of a confidential provincial reporting mechanism.

Why it matters:

  • All staff and students have the right to safe teaching and learning environments.
  • There is an increase in the incidence of violence and/or harassment against staff in schools.
  • Unlike other jurisdictions, Saskatchewan does not have a reporting procedure so incidents often go unreported and inadequately addressed.
  • Education leaders lack the data necessary to meaningfully address violence and harassment in schools.

Substitute Teacher Employment


A minimum provincial salary for substitute teachers, paid sick leave and the guaranteed right to representation by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.

Why it matters:

  • Substitute teachers are highly educated, certified teachers and deserve recognition as such.
  • The education system cannot function properly without qualified substitute teachers.
  • Investment and appropriate pay and professional support for substitute teachers will strengthen recruitment and retention.
  • Every teacher deserves and should expect due process and respect from their employer regardless of their assignment.

Truth and Reconciliation


The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to be a paid commemorative day for all members, and that all Indigenous members be provided the right to have an Elder present during disciplinary proceedings.

Why it matters:

This supports the commitment teachers have made to engage in truth and reconciliation in a meaningful and personal way.

It also honours Saskatchewan communities and the cultural context of our province.

Additional Proposals

  • Allowances for Principals, Vice-Principals and Assistant Principals
  • Supplemental Employment Benefit Plan Amendment
  • New Teacher Orientation
  • Administration of Dental and Group Life Insurance Plans
  • Term of Collective Agreement

These proposals were developed through an extensive consultation process with members. More than 9,000 teachers participated in surveys. The objective of the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee is to focus on these priorities and obtain the best possible deal for teachers. Bargaining is a fluid and complex process of give and take. To show our collective strength and resolve, all members need to stay informed and show solidarity.


Version Notes:

April 2023


2022-23 Advocacy Bargaining



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