Returns – how our investments are doing

The STF closely monitors our investment performance and returns, reporting quarterly, annual and four-year returns to the STF Executive, the Investment Committee, the Pension and Benefits Board, and the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee to ensure all parties are aware of the shorter and longer-term performance of our investments.

The Federation’s portfolio captured positive returns, finishing the fiscal year with a 10.6 percent return and increasing our asset base to $8.3 billion.

The Federation continues to invest for the long term and, as such, expects positive and negative swings. As the investment landscape shifts, asset-liability studies will continue to be an important tool to ensure the investment strategy aligns with the Federations’ benefit obligations over the long term, and that the pension and benefit plans remain stable and secure. Our latest asset-liability study was completed in 2022.

The following results are from June 30, 2024. We update these figures once every year.