Substitute Teachers
Members of the Teaching Profession
Substitute teachers play a specialized role in Saskatchewan schools. They have unique learning and professional needs. Substitute teachers include teachers who:
- Want to gain valuable experience and a full-time contract.
- Choose substitute teaching as a career path.
- Have retired but want to continue to support teaching and learning as a substitute teacher.
In Saskatchewan, there are approximately 4,000 dedicated, professional substitute teachers supporting publicly funded schools by ensuring students have access to a certified teacher.
The Federation is here to support substitute teachers through a variety of curriculum resources, professional learning opportunities and other teacher professionalism resources.
Substitute teachers can participate in behind-the-scenes conversations with Federation staff and other members through Teacher Talk when you log in through your MySTF account. Contact the Federation if you need assistance.
Members have access to a variety of advice and assistance in the areas of workplace relationships, employment contracts and legal matters. Other areas, such as substitute teacher salaries, is determined by local collective bargaining. To learn more about local collective bargaining, please contact your local association president.
Bargaining for substitute teachers occurs at the local level. It is important that substitute teachers engage with their local association to ensure the substitute teacher voice and unique concerns are being heard and considered within the bargaining process.
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation works together with the 26 local associations, of which substitute teachers are members. While the Education Act puts the onus for bargaining at the local level for substitute teachers, there are similar interests experienced by all teachers across the province.
When a substitute teacher accepts a temporary, replacement or continuing contract, the teacher has full access to contractual benefits.
The Federation continues to explore ways to support substitute teachers at the provincial bargaining level. Visit the Provincial Collective Bargaining page for more information.
Substitute teacher issues are bargained at the local level as part of Local Implementation and Negotiations Committee (LINC) negotiations. Every local teacher association has a LINC contract. All local associations negotiate substitute teacher rates of pay and some have bargained on issues beyond pay.
Substitute teachers are encouraged to connect with their local association president or LINC chair to discuss issues of concern related to substitute teachers. Typically, bargaining preparation is done during the school year leading up to expiration of the current contract.
Teachers can visit the local association webpage to find links to each local association, names of the association’s leaders and councillors and a link to its agreement and constitution. It is important to be knowledgeable about your local association’s LINC agreement and constitution. The constitution determines membership for substitute teachers, membership dues (if any) and how you can become involved. If you have questions, please contact the president of your local association.
Substitute teachers employed in the provincial PreK-12 public school system have access to the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan, Member and Family Assistance Plan and the STF Optional Life Insurance Plan, including access to the pension plan and Planning for Retirement. Here are some additional resources to help you understand both plans.
- Your STF Pension E-Guide
- STRP – Beneficiary Designation form for Saskatchewan Teachers’ Retirement Plan
- STRP Pension Estimate Request Form
- Optional Life Insurance Information (Portaplan)
- Optional Life Insurance Information for New Members (Portaplan)
- MFAP e-Guide
Related Links
Teachers have a responsibility to act in a manner that is worthy of public trust and consistent with expectations of the teaching profession. Teacher professionalism includes information about certification and registration, codes of conduct and more. It’s important for you to know your rights and responsibilities as a substitute teacher and member of the Federation.
STF members can access a number of professional resources to support your career development and success.
STF Professional Learning provides access to high-quality professional learning opportunities and resources.
The Emma Stewart Resources Centre is a library for teachers with a vast collection of books and audiovisual resources, e-reference materials and curriculum plans.
Every teacher may choose a professional growth network to support their learning. There are more than 20 networks in a variety of subject fields, service areas and interdisciplinary groups.
McDowell Foundation is an independent charitable organization that supports teacher-led research and learning in Saskatchewan.