March 14, 2024
Teachers Offer Path Forward to End Job Action
News Release
Today, Saskatchewan teachers are calling on the Government of Saskatchewan to agree to binding arbitration to address the contentious issues of class size and complexity. If the government agrees, teachers will immediately suspend job action and negotiations will proceed with the remaining items on the table for a new collective bargaining agreement. In 2017, the government amended The Education Act, 1995 by removing the option for binding arbitration if requested by one party; however, if both parties agree to binding arbitration there is nothing preventing the use of this resolution method.
March 11, 2024
Education Delivery in Saskatchewan in Crisis Due to Ineffective Funding Models
News Release
Today, education leaders from early childhood and primary to post-secondary joined together to voice their shared concerns about the ineffective funding models in the Saskatchewan education system. Though K-12 funding is separate from post-secondary, all levels of education have had to contend with ineffective and unpredictable funding from the provincial government.
Rotating Withdrawal of Noon-Hour Supervision on March 14
News Release
Teachers are giving notice of a one-day rotating withdrawal of noon-hour supervision that will take place Thursday, March 14. By law, 48 hours’ notice is required for job action; however, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is providing extra time to allow families to make arrangements.
March 8, 2024
STF: Government-SSBA MOU Must Be Included in Collective Agreement
News Release
Earlier today, the Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association announced that they have signed a deal for classroom funding, outside of the ongoing collective bargaining process with teachers.
Provincewide Withdrawal of Extracurricular and Rotating Withdrawal of Noon-Hour Supervision
News Release
Teachers are giving notice of a three-day, provincewide withdrawal of extracurricular activities on March 11-13 and a one-day, rotating withdrawal of noon-hour supervision on March 11. By law, 48 hours’ notice is required for job action; however, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is providing extra time to allow families to make arrangements.
March 7, 2024
STF: Government Must Put Commitment in the Contract
News Release
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation won’t return to the bargaining table or pause job action until the provincial government is willing to embed its most recent promises around class size and complexity into the body of a new provincial collective agreement.
March 6, 2024
STF President: Government Avoiding Accountability
Government has once again announced ad-hoc funding to avoid being held accountable. This is exactly what we predicted would happen and has come only after an enormous amount of public pressure.
March 5, 2024
Rotating Withdrawal of Noon-Hour Supervision on March 8
News Release
Teachers are giving notice of a one-day withdrawal of noon-hour supervision that will take place on Friday, March 8 at locations throughout the province. By law, 48 hours’ notice is required for job action; however, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is providing extra time to allow families to make arrangements.
March 4, 2024
Teachers at Legislative Building on First Day of Spring Session
News Release
Approximately 3,500 teachers on rotating strike took to the Legislative Building today, coinciding with the first day of the spring legislative session. These teachers are from Regina Public Schools, Regina Catholic Schools, Prairie South School Division, Holy Family Catholic School Division, South East Cornerstone School Division, as well as teachers from Conseil des écoles fransaskoises and the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre who work within those boundaries. Striking teachers unable to safely travel to Regina today due to inclement weather are taking part in alternative advocacy actions, including calling and emailing government to highlight the concerns of teachers.
March 2, 2024
Rotating Withdrawal of Noon-Hour Supervision on March 5
News Release
Teachers are giving notice of a one-day withdrawal of noon-hour supervision that will take place on Tuesday, March 5 at locations throughout the province. By law, 48 hours’ notice is required for job action; however, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is providing extra time to allow families to make arrangements. This is in addition to the previously announced countdown ahead of a provincewide withdrawal of extracurricular activities scheduled for Tuesday, March 5 and Wednesday, March 6.