Northern Lights School Division’s Unfair Practices Disrupt Bargaining Process
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has been forced to make the difficult decision to place Northern Lights School Division in dispute. NLSD’s Director of Education Jason Young acted in a manner that was disrespectful to local teachers and undermined the collective bargaining process.
All STF members are advised that applying for or accepting a teaching contract with NLSD while it is in dispute is a violation of the Federation’s Code of Collective Interests. The STF urges NLSD’s Board of Education and Mr. Young to take corrective action so the in dispute designation can be lifted and negotiations can continue.
Fair negotiations enable teachers to secure better working conditions, resources, and fair salaries, which ultimately support a high-quality and stable publicly funded education system.
News Release
- Frequently Asked Questions – In Dispute
- What does “in dispute” mean?
- What is the impact of putting a division in dispute?
- Does this designation impact all school divisions?
- How is a division put in dispute?
- Why was this a necessary step?
- Is this a common occurrence in bargaining?
- What is the next step in the process?