It’s important you know what process to expect when you call the Plan. Here’s an overview.

1. Get in touch

It’s easy for you to get in touch with the MFAP – simply reach out by phone, go online or download the app. ComPsych’s GuidanceConsultants are available 24/7/365. Any contact you or your family members have with the Plan is kept completely confidential.

2. Initial Consultation

When you contact the MFAP, you will be connected to a GuidanceConsultant – a master’s or PhD-level intake counsellor. They will collect some general information about you and ask about your needs. All information you share will remain completely confidential.

At this point, the GuidanceConsultant will determine which service(s) may best help you and will provide directions for setting up an appointment with a service provider.

3. Speak with a service provider

After you set up a meeting with your service provider, you’ll meet either over the phone, in person or through video chat based on your preference and the type of services your provider offers (i.e., some services are only offered over the phone). The service provider helping you will depend on the type of support you need. For example, if you need help with finances, you will be connected with a financial expert or a chartered professional accountant, or if you need support with family matters, you’ll speak to a counsellor.

The number of sessions varies by the type of service. In general, you can expect the following extent of support:

  • Short-term counselling: three to six 60-minute sessions (based on need, as determined by your clinician) in person, over the phone or through video chat.
  • Health and wellness coaching: five 30-minute sessions over the phone per program (e.g., exercise, nutrition, weight management, tobacco cessation).
  • Work-life solutions: get personalized recommendations over the phone for services to support your family – there’s no limit on the number of times you can use this service.
  • Legal consultations: one 30-minute consultation over the phone; lower legal fees if additional support required.
  • Financial guidance: one 30 to 60-minute session over the phone.
  • Online support: Unlimited. Resources available 24/7 online.

While the MFAP is a great service for individual concerns, it’s also important to remember that it’s designed for short-term support – it seeks to address concerns that can be dealt with in the immediate future.

4. Longer-term support (if needed)

The MFAP provides free short-term counselling to cover a variety of concerns. However, if it’s determined that your concerns cannot be resolved through the MFAP’s short-term counselling and that you will need longer-term treatment, you can still claim psychologist and social worker expenses under the Members’ Health Plan if the service provider is registered in Saskatchewan. Not all clinicians within the MFAP are covered under MHP. Please view the STF Members’ Health Plan for coverage details.