Dental Plan

As of January 1, 2023, Green Shield Canada is the new insurance carrier for teachers’ health and dental benefits.

The Teachers’ Dental Plan is administered by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission. This Plan provides Saskatchewan teachers and their eligible dependants with coverage for preventative, routine and major restorative dental services. It also provides coverage for orthodontic services for both adults and dependent children.

All teachers employed on a continuing, replacement or temporary contract become eligible for coverage upon completion of 20 or more days of teaching service. Following the 20-day qualification period, coverage is retroactive to the first day of the contract.

This benefit is fully funded by the provincial government and changes are negotiated as part of the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The insurance carrier for the dental plan is Green Shield Canada. Members of the dental plan can register with Green Shield to submit dental claims online and track their dental services. Information about coverage and other details is available on the Commission’s website.

Changes to Personal Information

The Federation now handles changes to personal information in regards to the dental plan. If a member of the dental plan has a change to their personal information, employment status or dependant information, you must complete a Change of Information form and return it to the Federation. All other dental plan forms are available on the Commission’s website.